Camelot Increases Ticket Sales by £181 Million

28 October 2008

Last week Camelot Group revealed that National Lottery ticket sales were up by £181 million in its half-year results that ended Sept. 27. The 7.6 percent boost brought total sales to £2.6 billion.

In a prepared statement, the company attributed the increase to new games and ways to play, which it said drove sales in all major areas, including retail, interactive and subscriptions channels as well as Britain’s Olympic Games and Paralympic Games successes.

Dianne Thompson, chief executive of Camelot Group, said the catalyst behind the growth has been the company’s five-year strategy to appeal to a diverse set of players.

Camelot said it is working closely with its partners and stakeholders on its plans for a third lottery license -- including a totally revamped Web site with new 3-D interactive games and further expansion of its non-draw-based games portfolio.