Does your stomach visit your throat when you contemplate the path your credit card information travels upon making an online purchase? It's a legitimate concern--even with secure servers--and it's one more reason for potential online betters to opt for the long road trip when the gambling bug bites. With that in mind, a company called Netcom, Ltd. has made strides toward curbing such fears and has debuted its technology at an online casino called "Casinos Australasia."
The new cyber casino began taking bets this week at, and Netcom has supplied it with an e-commerce system--designed by AUM electronic commerce Ltd., Hertsfordshire, England and Barclays Bank--that the company believes is as tight as they come. Along with supplying SSL 128 bit encryption and specially designed triple DES and APACS protocols, Netcom processes credit cards without the use of a third party. Plus, all player details are stored on a separate data base, making outside access virtually impossible.
"All financial transactions take place on the extranet and return through a virtual private network further enhancing the security of the system," explains Casinos Australasia Senior Vice President and Director of Operations Gordon McIntosh. "We had to satisfy very stringent security requirements in order to comply with the very high standards required by Barclays Bank and our own levels of best business practice."
"We believe that we can offer players features that no other site can come close to," Casinos Australasia CEO Nigel Mansfield said. "Our security is among the best anywhere on the Internet. And our staff has a combined 100 years casino-related experience. Our professionalism is unparalleled."
The new casino, based and licensed in Vanuatu, features games designed by Atlantic International Entertainment, Ltd. Traditional casino style games--including blackjack, roulette, poker, baccarat, keno, sic bo, scratch and match and slots--are currently offered. "Sportsbook Australasia," an international sports betting service utilizing the same secure system as the casino, will eventually be added as well.