A New PPA Voice?

16 February 2007

Several news sources have reported that former New York politician Alfonse D'Amato is set to become the new face of the Poker Players Alliance (PPA).  

D'Amato, an avid poker enthusiast and former U.S. Senator, hosted a Thursday night game of some renown during his 18 year tenure on Capitol Hill.  A small group of influential lobbyists and other Washington insiders assembled in D'Amato's office to imbibe Chinese food, "smoke expensive cigars and tell bawdy stories late into the night over pots that sometimes reached hundreds of dollars," the New York Times reported in 1995.  

D'Amato is reportedly in talks with the San Francisco-based PPA about becoming its lobbyist and spokesman, PPA President Michael Bolcerek told newsday.com on Thursday.   

"We looked for three-term senators who love poker," Bolcerek said.  "He fit the bill."  

Bolcerek added that the deal had not been finalized, and that D'Amato was one of "a few" candidates being considered for the role.  

D'Amato's assistant, Dana Weisberg, said that D'Amato was not available for comment, and would not be so "this week or next week."   

Chris Krafcik is the editor of IGamingNews. He lives in St. Louis, Mo.