The California Tribal Business Alliance fired back at the California Charity Bingo Association on Wednesday after the association condemned SB 1369, or the bingo bill, in a press release.
The statement from the tribe alleges that the bingo association is a mere lobby group funded by a slot machine manufacturer and outlines what the group calls “the phony issues” presented by the bingo association.
To clarify, SB 1369 does not allow for individuals to play bingo from home using the Internet. According to the bill, it will allow a live feed to be broadcast to a remote location via cable, Internet, satellite, broadband, telephone or any other means of electronic transmission of the announcement of winning numbers.
To read the bill in its entirety, click here.
“Contrary to some claims, the authorization in SB 1369 for charities to use the internet to transmit the ball draw to different bingo halls would not open the door for tribes to offer gaming via the internet,” the alliance states in its press release.