Representatives from the twin-island nation of Antigua and Barbuda do not expect to see a settlement with the United States government over its remote gambling ban by Friday.
"We're still waiting to hear back on one particular point," Mark E. Mendel, counsel for Antigua, told Interactive Gaming News. "I'm expecting that things will be pushed back, but there's no certainty that they will."
The two countries have been in negotiations since late January over the United States' decision to withdraw gambling services from the General Agreement on Trade in Services.
The withdrawal stems from a near five-year dispute between the two nations over the United States' Internet gambling policy.
The office of the United States trade representative said the goal is to reach a settlement.
"Both sides are trying to work something out," Sean M. Spicer, a spokesperson for the trade representative, told IGN.
Emily Swoboda is the senior staff writer at IGamingNews. She lives in St. Louis, Mo.