, Inc., an Internet gaming company with plans of establishing an online bingo community, has begun beta testing its new bingo software.
The company's engineering team, Mindquake Software Inc., will use the testing period to make sure the software can handle a high volume of traffic. During the testing period, the company's marketing division is poised to launch a membership drive campaign that it expects to increase its current membership of over 30,000 to 50,000.
"We are extremely excited about the interest that has already been expressed by 'name brand' Internet sites, television stations, radio stations and charities regarding revenue sharing opportunities," said CEO Darren Little. "Once our media partners have been identified, the chosen companies will be announced to the world."
All members will receive ongoing correspondence from via e-mail regarding cash prizes and company promotions. One percent of every dollar wagered will be allocated to the Company's first million-dollar jackpot.
The company will provide Internet users with a destination point and portal site that will serve as an informative home page. The site will be set up as an information center with free e-mail, free web pages, free news, free music, chat rooms, sports, entertainment and lifestyle information in a community setting. The company will offer extensive free downloads, free information and free " hot links" with a wide variety of exciting prizes and promotional partnerships, creating a communicative infrastructure of international chat, e-commerce and entertainment.