Enters the Scene

11 March 1999
Online bingo is heating up in '99. Look for a few new players to compete in coming months. The latest to come onto the scene,, announced last week that it has formed two subsidiaries- (Antigua), Inc., and (Canada), Enterprises Inc. The Antigua subsidiary will be pursuing all aspects of gaming license applications, while the Canada subsidiary will handle marketing and advertising.

The site, launched on February 14, is the planned future home of the Million Dollar Jackpots, which they refer to as "a destination site like no other on the World Wide Web." It will offer free downloads, free information and free "hot links" with a wide variety of prizes and promotional partnerships. It'll also be set up as an information center with free e-mail, free web pages, free news, free music, chat rooms, sports, entertainment and lifestyle information. For an enhanced experience, the site has been spiced up with Flash technology, which enables animation, 3d graphics, music and sound effects.