BingoMania Readies for Expansion

15 August 1999
Change has arrived at BingoMania. The online bingo destination will soon introduce its overhauled homepage, a new payment system and a new site geared toward Latin American and South American players.

The new site, "Latino Bingo," will have country and culture-specific games translated into Spanish and Portuguese. It will be equipped with customer service interfaces in those languages. In addition, UK and Australian versions are under development.

Along with a facelift for the home page and the new Latino games, the company will introduce a new payment system that's much more robust than the original system. The new system will be made possible by a joint effort between BingoMania and a company said to be the largest check processor in North America.

If all goes as planned, the overhauled home page and new payment system will be unveiled Monday. With servers based in Belize, is expected to go live in mid September.