(PRESS RELEASE) -- CalvinAyre.com, the global home of gaming industry news, has added another g-string to its bow by taking you to the "After Party" at CalvinAyreAP.com.
The After Party site will feature regular photo shoots from the lovely Ayre Heads and also all the inside info on where to party during online gaming conferences and beyond. The site will also feature wider Internet news beyond the gaming industry itself with CalvinAyre.com continuing its global industry coverage.
For example, the new site features an exclusive interview with a member of the reclusive "hacktivist" online freedom-fighting group, known simply as "Anonymous," who boast over 850,000 Twitter followers via @youranonnews.
CalvinAyre.com itself will continue to concentrate on its analysis of the big industry stories rather than force feeding readers the dogma of listed companies desperate to gain a quick boost to their share price.
CalvinAyre.com will remain the only gaming news site to bring news from all over world including the hugely dominant Asian market as well as following the increasing emergence of Latin America and India.
The website’s eponymous founder, Calvin Ayre, explains: “Essentially, the new site is the bar and night club with the original site being where the business gets done before the party begins. After getting up to speed with all the news gambling industry execs can then head over to the After Party for some well-earned down time.”