Slot-Tickets Worldwide meld cutting-edge printing technologies with unparalleled proficiency.
With a legacy spanning over two decades, Slot-Tickets Worldwide, a trailblazer in the realm of TITO tickets, remains at the forefront of innovation. The company is more than just a ticket manufacturer; it is a curator of a niche that has remained remarkably consistent in an industry characterized by rapid evolution, and has not only survived, but thrived, in an environment rife with competition and change.
Casino City Press sat down with the good folks at Slot-Tickets to discuss the long history of the company and what lies ahead.
1. Can you give us a brief explanation of what your company does? Slot-Tickets Worldwide is the original direct manufacturer of TITO tickets. Leveraging 25 years of industry knowledge, we seamlessly meld cutting-edge printing technologies with unparalleled proficiency. Our spectrum of offerings encompasses shrink-wrap tickets, banded tickets, custom tickets, generic tickets and half-tickets. We provide warehousing and quick-ship generics upon request. Slot-Tickets is now a part of MCC Label, the global leader in consumer product labels.
2. How has the company managed to survive over the years working in an industry that has seen drastic ups and downs and technological advancements during that time? Our business is very well insulated from most technological advancements that have affected the gaming industry in general. Our company's niche focus on supplying paper products to the casino industry has provided a level of stability that many other businesses may not experience. While technology has revolutionized various sectors of the gaming industry, the need for physical paper products in the casino industry has remained constant.
3. What have been some of things you have done to help fend off increased competition over the years? Our company's focus has always been on our customers. We prioritize understanding their pain points and preferences. By providing exceptional customer service and crafting solutions that address their specific requirements, we've built strong relationships and loyalty, which makes it challenging for competitors to lure our customers away. In addition, we’ve maintained a steadfast commitment to quality and reliability. Our products consistently outperform the competition, earning the trust of our customers. This reputation for excellence has been a significant barrier to entry for competitors.
4. How did COVID-19 affect your company and what did you do to adapt and prosper in the face of a global pandemic? Are things back to "normal" for your company and the industry as a whole? Like so many companies, Slot-Tickets Worldwide was hit hard. Being that our core product is TITO tickets, when casinos across the globe were closed, we were severely impacted. When casinos began to re-open, there was massive demand driven by pent-up consumer excitement to get out of their homes and return to their favorite casinos. It has definitely returned to pre-2020 demand.
5. What's next for the industry and your company in 2023?We believe the TITO industry is as bright as it ever has been. We are definitely not experts on the subject; however, we believe cashless gaming in its current form has not been well received. There was great concern TITO tickets would disappear in the short term; however, TITO tickets will continue to be the gold standard for at least the next 10 years or even longer. Today, Slot-Tickets is focused on continuing international expansion. There is tremendous opportunity globally.