Casino City releases 2013 Indian Gaming Industry Report: Indian gaming continued its recovery

27 February 2013
NEWTON, Mass. –- (PRESS RELEASE) -- Casino City Press today announced the release of the 2013 edition of Casino City’s Indian Gaming Industry Report – the most comprehensive, up-to-date study of Indian gaming available – authored by Dr. Alan Meister, an economist with Nathan Associates Inc., who has done extensive research and analysis on Indian gaming issues.
The Report provides calendar year 2011 nationwide and state statistics (the latter not available anywhere else) including: gaming and non-gaming revenue; Class II vs. Class III gaming; number of facilities, tribes, gaming machines, and tables; and revenue sharing with state and local governments. The Report also includes comparisons across states and classes of gaming, state-by-state market summaries, historical perspective and trends, an examination of the reasons for Indian gaming performance, comparisons to other gaming segments, an economic impact analysis measuring Indian gaming’s contribution to the U.S. economy, and a qualitative future outlook.
Significant findings include the following:
  • Despite a sluggish economy in 2011, Indian gaming sustained modest growth to bring it above its prerecession gaming revenue level.
  • Gaming revenue at Indian gaming facilities nationwide grew 3.4% in 2011 to approximately $27.4 billion.
  • This was the second straight year of growth since the end of the Great Recession.
  • In 2011, there were 242 Native American tribes operating over 341,000 gaming machines and 7,700 able games in 460 gaming facilities across 28 states.
  • The top 2 states generated approximately 38% of total gaming revenue at Indian gaming facilities; the top 5 states generated about 61%; and the top 10 states generated 86%.
  • Indian gaming facilities, including non-gaming operations, directly supported about 339,000 jobs and $12.3 billion in wages, and made over $1.4 billion in payments to non-tribal governments in calendar year 2011.
  • Indian gaming grew at twice the rate of the commercial casino segment, which was 1.7% in 2011. However, the racino and cardroom segments outgrew Indian gaming with 8.1% and 3.7% growth, respectively.
  • Indian gaming generated approximately 44% of all U.S. casino gaming revenue in 2011.
Dr. Meister said that the growth of Indian gaming in 2011 was a positive sign for its short to mid-term future outlook; however performance varied widely across gaming facilities, tribes, and states,. “While Indian gaming grew on a nationwide basis, it did not grow everywhere or grow uniformly across the country.” It grew in 65% of Indian gaming facilities and 75% of Indian gaming states.
Casino City’s Indian Gaming Industry Report is relied upon by the gaming industry, other related industries, government/regulatory agencies, and the investment community. As in previous years, this study continues to be the product of independent scholarly research and neither Dr. Meister nor Nathan Associates was commissioned to do the study.
For more information and to order a copy of the report, visit