Jay Cohen, sentenced in a New York federal court August 9 for conspiracy and violating the Wire Act, is fighting the judge's decision. Cohen was sentenced to 21 months in prison and fined $5000, despite the government's push for stiffer penalties. An appeal request was filed last week before the Second Circuit Court of Appeals--the first step of the appeal process.
Cohen's attorney Ben Brafman will have 30 days to deliver a brief explaining their objections to Cohen's conviction and sentence. In turn, the government will have one month to respond. Oral arguments could occur as early as Christmas, although a spokesman for Brafman said that it's more likely to begin early in 2001.
Cohen was found guilty in February, and remains out on bail pending the appeal. He was one of 21 offshore bookmakers accused in March 1998 of violating the federal Wire Wager Act. Most of the operators were acquitted, entered a guilty plea or have remained fugitives. Cohen was the only one to face charges.