Digital Economy 2000

7 July 2000
The ever-expanding Internet has impacted the U.S. economy by providing large influxes of both capital and technology. Innovations in technology, new products and new services have resulted, as many more people are using the Internet daily. Even the number of Web pages has grown tremendously--up to one billion pages--since the Web first began.

The U.S. Department of Commerce tracks the economy and especially how it has been impacted by information technology. The department recently released its third annual report, Digital Economy 2000.

In the preface to the report, Secretary of Commerce William Daley wrote:

What we can see clearly are expanding opportunities. To meet these opportunities, we will have to ensure a stable and conducive economic and legal environment for continuing innovation in information technologies and e-commerce. We need to encourage the building of a broadband infrastructure that allows all Americans to have access to the advanced services that support the Internet, and take the steps necessary with respect to privacy, consumer protection, security, reliability and intellectual property rights that will inspire confidence in the Internet. To realize the full potential of this digital economy, every person and every business must be able to participate fully and make their own unique contribution to its development.

The report covers a wide-range of topics including the IT workforce, the contribution IT has made to U.S. productivity growth, and what's new in the "New Economy."

Click here to read the full report in PDF format.