Nevada gambling regulators and Republican Representative Jim Gibbons are urging GOP presidential hopeful Steve Forbes to pull an offshore Internet gambling site ad from the publication.
According to Gibbons, the Antigua-based WinCity Casino and Sportsbook's ad, which gives the impression it has the stamp of approval of the Nevada Gaming Commission, is misleading readers. The virtual casino ad in the October 11 edition says, "All games operated in accordance with Nevada Gaming Commission Guidelines."
Gibbons and commission chairman Brian Sandoval say there are no assurances that the cyberspace casino is following any guidelines.
The commission sets rules for slot machines, card and table games as well as determines who may or may not receive a gambling license in Nevada. But it has no jurisdiction over operations outside the state. "We canĂt call them before the commission. All we can do is go tot he publisher of the magazine," Sandoval said.
Forbes is on leave as publisher while he campaigns and is traveling in England and was not available for comment.