Has an unfortunate experience driven customers from your site? According to an article in E-Commerce Times, more than 40 percent of online users have stopped using a site due to service issues. On the other hand, when customers are satisfied with service, they'll return to the same site and it's likely that 87 percent will pass the word on about those sites.
The figures are from Forrester Research (www.forrester.com), who studies trends in Internet usage. According to the article, Forrester's findings include the following:
- 71 percent of e-customers use e-mail for customer service issues.
- 51 percent prefer to use the phone.
- If only one avenue were available, 46 would choose e-mail versus 41 percent who opt for telephone contact.
- 19 percent of respondents searched sites for information, while 11
percent checked the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section.
Additionally, the research shows that respondents feel customer service begins once a site is logged onto. Among their recommendations were advertising a site's call center, knowledgeable customer assistance, and speedy assistance.
While much of the information derived from the Forrester Research discusses online shopping, it can also be applied to online casino and sportsbook sites, providing invaluable customer service suggestions.