Frank schedules online gambling hearing for Dec. 3

25 November 2009

Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) has scheduled a hearing on Dec. 3 before the House Financial Services Committee to hear testimony on repealing the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act and creating a regulated online gaming industry in the U.S. UIGEA regulations go into effect on Dec. 1.

Frank, who is chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, will lead the questioning as witnesses testify for and against the Internet Gambling Regulation, Consumer Protection and Enforcement Act (IGRCPEA) and the Reasonable Prudence Regulation Act (RPRA). Both bills were introduced by Frank earlier this year.

The IGRCPEA calls for the creation of a regulated online gambling environment that brings transparency to the online gambling industry. The RPRA seeks to delay the implementation of UIGEA regulations by one year.

No vote is expected to take place in the Thursday hearing.

Vin Narayanan

Articles by Vin Narayanan is the former managing editor at Casino City and has been involved in the gaming industry for over a decade Vin is currently based in Hong Kong, where he runs his own consultant group and works as head of gaming and public relations for Mega Digital Entertainment Group.

Before joining Casino City, Vin covered (not all at the same time) sports, politics and elections, wars, technology, celebrities and the Census for, USA WEEKEND and CNN.