GalaxiWorld to Expand

17 April 1999
GalaxiWorld Limited announced this week that its online casino at will soon be boosting its game total from 28 to 35. The seven new games include four 5-reel (Australian) slots, two poker games and keno.

The company is pleased with the results of the online casino's first few months of business. Larry Weltman, CFO and executive vice president of GLC Limited (GalaxiWorld's parent company), believes that expanding its game base is the key to further success. "The gains we have made in the few months the site has been live are tremendous, and we realize the ideal way to foster that growth is to add more games," Weltman said. "We remain committed to expanding our site to a total of 52 international casino games, interactive arcade style games and online shopping.'

The seven new games will appear initially on the GalaxiWorld "Play 4 Fun" site at, as part of their final testing over the Web. It's expected that they'll debut on the real money site in May.

Each of the games will incorporate GalaxiWorld's Version 2 download technology, which will make the Java-enabled games easier and quicker to access than before. This technology will also be tested on the "Play 4 Fun" site, and will eventually be applied to all games on the real money site.