Gaming VC Brings on New Board Members

8 December 2008

Gaming VC Holdings announced on Friday that Gerard Cassels, the company’s finance director, and Adrian Smith, a non-executive director, have both stepped down.

Richard Cooper, 47, and Karl Diacono, 46, have replaced the two board members, the company said, as finance director and non-executive board member, respectively.

After spending many years as a finance director at Tullett Prebon and Fidelity, Mr. Cooper also served as the group financial director at Patsystems Group, an Internet financial software supplier. According to Gaming VC, Mr. Cooper was also involved with Trident Gaming, an I-gaming acquisition company, as a director.

Currently the chief executive of Fenlex Corporate Services Limited, Mr. Diacono holds a number of other positions including managing director of Impetus Europe Consulting Group, director of Gaming VC Corporation Limited, a Maltese subsidiary of Gaming VC, and he serves as a non-executive director of various online gaming companies, according to a prepared statement.