GSA to play informative role at iGaming Super Show

24 June 2014
(PRESS RELEASE) -- The Gaming Standards Association (GSA), the leading standards-setting body for the global gaming industry, will play an important and informative role at the upcoming iGaming Super Show.
The show takes place June 24-27 in Amsterdam, and on June 26, GSA President Peter DeRaedt will be a featured speaker on the panel, “Technical Compliance EU: What You May be Missing.” Also appearing on the panel are GSA Europe Special Representative Phyllis Farrugia and Ian Ince, Head of Regulatory Affairs and Compliance at GSA Platinum Member company Playtech.
DeRaedt, Farrugia and Ince will also be available throughout the iGaming Super Show to discuss the swift progress being made in GSA’s Online Gaming Committee. The committee is expecting to release a preliminary draft standard sometime this summer.
Peter DeRaedt noted, “GSA’s Online Gaming Committee is moving quickly to develop a series of online gaming standards. It is important to note that only GSA members can participate on the committee. Online gaming companies are encouraged to join GSA to ensure their voice is heard.”