Ho Ho Ho , Ho.

3 November 1999
A bid for a US$ 108 million 1/3 share of China online (as reported by Asia Week) has some interesting implications for online gambling. The bidder was no other than Stanley Ho, who owns most, if not all, of the land-based casinos in the (soon to be returned to China) Portuguese territory of Macau.

Ho has been active in offshore ventures in recent times with a casino operation in Hai Phong, Vietnam and now a major Casino operation in the Philippines. According to Asia Week, Ho insisted that he has "no plans to introduce online gambling on the web portal."

Ho brings a long lifetime of experience in catering in Asian gambling markets tastes to the new Internet venture, experience that will undoubtedly be used for selling... Banner advertising? Now maybe the Macau Triads will have to take up computer hacking instead of extortion as a way of making a fast Remimbi.

IGN's Mr.Nambling is a gaming industry consultant and commentator with over 23 years industry experience, Glenn Barry has held senior management positions in Lottery and gaming operations around the world. His claims to fame include starting the first successful US Lotto in NewYork in 1978 and the NSW (Australia) in 1979.