Legislators Consider Amendments to Virgin Islands Bil

24 May 2001
Legislators in the U.S. Virgin Islands have hit a pothole in their dash to legalize Internet gambling.

The "Virgin Islands Internet Gaming and Internet Gambling Act", Bill No. 20-0046, was introduced on April 27 by Senators Alamando "Rocky" Liburd and Vargrave A. Richards. Their goal was to develop a reliable revenue source to fund technology programs in the territory's public schools.

At first, the bill seemed set for smooth sailing. Then a few waves rocked the sponsors' boat, as a number of concerns were aired during an April 18 meeting before the Senate Committee for Economic Development, Agriculture and Consumer Protection. It was determined that additional consideration needed to be given to the regulatory structure, taxation issues and the issuance of a "Master Franchiser" license.

"The overall feeling is that we need to take whatever steps are necessary to develop regulations strong enough to be above board," said Rudy Krigger, a spokesman for Liburd.

Legislators met again May 7 to hammer out these details. Although Krigger seemed confident that the bill would be passed quickly to the Rules Committee during that meeting, arguments erupted between the committee members leading to an abrupt adjournment. Nonetheless, some things were accomplished during the meeting.

First, much debate had been given to the issuance of a "Master Franchisor" license, who the recipient would be and how that recipient would be selected. Two amendments were introduced that would address these concerns. Under the amendment introduced by Senator Adelbert Bryan, the Virgin Islands would be given ownership of the online gaming site. The other amendment, introduced by Sen. Liburd, would enable a second company to obtain a license to operate an online gaming site from the Virgin Islands. As part of the bill's original language, an exclusive license would be given to U.S. Virgin Islands Technologies Initiative.

Additionally, the committee requested that legal analysis be provided from both the secretary general of the Virgin Island Department of Justice and the legislative legal counsel. Pending the analysis' completion, another hearing will be held.

Proposed amendments:

  • Bryan Amendment
  • Liburd Amendment