LiveGames teams up with Sportingtech

20 December 2022
(PRESS RELEASE) -- LiveGames strengthened its position in LatAm after adding its live casino solution to Sportingtech’s leading Quantum platform.
LiveGames’ offering features market-specific, fully customizable online live dealer games and branded tables. Its omnichannel retail offering powers land-based estates connecting to any online operation.
Following its partnership with Sportingtech, the company has enjoyed particular success in Brazil with its Branded VIP Roulette offering that features a VIP-themed UI and vertical screen.
“This deal is exactly what we required in order to take our casino offering to the next level in LatAm,” said Ani Kunjuryan, Casino Product Manager at Sportingtech. “LiveGames’ Branded VIP Roulette includes a host of features that we haven’t seen anywhere else in the industry. These serve to make the experience highly entertaining for the player and invaluable for operators from a marketing perspective.”
The mobile-first solution includes a green screen feature that enables operators to display their own branding on each table. The innovation also includes a gradated heat map allowing players to follow which numbers have been bet on most during the playing session.
LiveGames’ suite of games also includes Tombola, Over Under, Tombola Slot and Kiliç, which feature eight different language options and are available globally.
Sportingtech’s operator partners throughout LatAm have access to these games, further enhancing the provider’s comprehensive range of casino content.
LiveGames’ ability to support the omnichannel experience has also proven highly beneficial to Sportingtech’s operator partners, with LiveGames’ offering proving to be a strong performer across both online and land-based.
“We’re delighted to have signed this partnership and to see our presence grow stronger in LatAm, particularly in Brazil, in parallel with Sportingtech’s own rise in the region,” said Cihan Onerci, Business Development Director at LiveGames. “Sportingtech’s Quantum platform and the company’s strong operator network has contributed massively to this, and we look forward to seeing both our businesses continue to grow in these markets.”