(PRESS RELEASE) -- The Gambling Supervisory Authority Under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania present an informative article prepared by Olegas Mackevic, a psychologist and specialist at the Gambling Supervision Service, entitled "Teenagers and the Dangers of Gambling: Why Should Parents Be Concerned About Loot Boxes?", which explores the issues and dangers of teenagers' involvement in gambling and examines in more detail one of the currently popular technological products - the "loot boxes" system, used in many popular computer games.
As O. Mackevic states, “Modern teenagers are citizens of the digital world, whose everyday life is inseparable from technology. However, invisible dangers lurk beneath the colorful screens.” The article provides insights into the economic and psychological impact of “Treasure Chests,” the links between gambling and virtual object gambling. The psychologist shares why teenagers engage in such activities and how to protect children from digital gambling.
"By motivating children to develop healthy relationships with technology, you show that you are their partners, not controllers. Your interest, involvement, and ongoing support will help children become responsible and informed users of digital space," says the specialist.