The 'Other' IGN Signs its First Licensee

8 August 1999
The redundantly redundantly named IGN Internet Global Network Inc. announced that it has agreed with Universe Holdings Inc. to jointly own and operate an online casino using IGN's Internet gaming software, Casinos of the World. Meanwhile, Universe is expected to be acquired soon by GNI Petrolium Inc.

The new Internet casino will be a customized, full-service Internet gaming system with blackjack, video poker, roulette, video keno and various slot games, including single-line slots and the only eight-line slots on the Internet.

Both companies will receive an equal percentage of the net monthly revenue generated by the casino. IGN will exclusively handle software development.

"We are delighted to be working with Universe and look forward to a strong relationship with the company," said IGN Vice-President of Software Licensing Jason Van Bergen. "IGN and Universe are also looking forward to working together to market additional casino licenses."

IGN is currently conducting discussions with individuals and groups from various parts of the world to license Casinos of the World.

The company also announced that it will soon release a new version of the software. The new version will add a new casino infrastructure, including enhanced graphics and sounds, support for foreign language text and voices and faster game-play.