Online Gaming in Armenia

The legal environment surrounding online gaming in Armenia is murky. Though Armenians are not permitted to gamble on sites outside Armenia, the practice is common, and the government has yet to crack down on it. Some of Armenia's largest brick-and-mortar gaming establishments run online gaming sites that are licensed offshore and not in Armenia. Russian is the most popular foreign language in Armenia, and as a result, most Armenians gamble online at Russian-language sites.

In September 2018, Armenia changed the section of gambling regulation that deals with the permissible age on gambling. Gamblers in the country’s casinos must be at least 21 years of age from now on, but with the new amendment, casinos must have a provision to check the age of the visitors. Armenian authorities systematically tightened legislation related to online and offline gambling and said they were considering the possibility of restricting the activities of foreign online casinos and a partial ban on advertising of casinos on city streets and in the mass media.

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