Online Gaming in Japan

Online gambling law mirrors brick-and-mortar law in Japan. Online sports and race betting is available, but other forms of gambling are prohibited. Telephone betting was instituted in 1974 for those bettors who lived far from racecourses or offtrack betting facilities. Through a subscription service, members may place their bets by telephone or over the internet. Payments of bet amounts are handled automatically through members' bank accounts after each race. A-PAT and Soku-PAT are the two membership categories that members may use to place their bets over the internet from a mobile phone or a personal computer.

The Japan Net Bank and Bank of Rakuten, both internet-only banks, sell sports lottery tickets through their websites.

In spring 2015, a bill that would legalize casino gambling in Japan was introduced into parliament. Lawmakers had hoped the bill would pass by the end of the summer, but there still has been no vote on the bill.

Japanese Online Gaming News

December's Top Japan Sites

Casino Site

Japan iGaming Associations