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Wednesday, 12 February 2025
Tim Ryan Article Archive
Tim Ryan has contributed 14 articles published on the iGaming News site.
Editorial: Racing Rebates Controversy a Sign of a System in Need of Change
29 December 2003
Racing has not made any real effort to educate its constituency (let alone the wider community) on the issues, and without having done that, it's impossible to galvanize some action against rebating.
Editorial: Those Who Favor 'Unfettered' Gambling Are a Minority
30 June 2003
I enjoyed reading "Dispelling the Border-Control Myth." The only thing I thought was missing was "Dear Tim" as a salutation... :)
Editorial: The Truth about the Leach Bil
30 April 2003
Why does everyone seem to be painting the Leach bill as prohibitionist?
Editorial - Feb. 1, 2003: The Dawning of a New Age in Online Gambling
4 February 2003
What phoenix will rise from the ashes of the's closure on this unique date?
Editorial: Short Changed
5 November 2002
Targeting just the layers is a lose-lose for the betting exchanges, the BHB and the Levy Board, but a big win for the bookies.
Editorial: Smoke and Mirrors - the Betting Exchange Shell Game
4 October 2002
Three weeks ago I wrote in IGN about the flaws in the bet exchange business model. Now it's time to look at how the exchanges are wallpapering over the gaps, how they have everyone fooled and why it's a very good business if you can get away with it.
Editorial: Smoke and Mirrors - the Betting Exchange Shell Game (Page 3)
4 October 2002
Three weeks ago I wrote in IGN about the flaws in the bet exchange business model. Now it's time to look at how the exchanges are wallpapering over the gaps, how they have everyone fooled and why it's a very good business if you can get away with it.
Editorial: Smoke and Mirrors - the Betting Exchange Shell Game (Page 2)
4 October 2002
Three weeks ago I wrote in IGN about the flaws in the bet exchange business model. Now it's time to look at how the exchanges are wallpapering over the gaps, how they have everyone fooled and why it's a very good business if you can get away with it.
Editorial: Bet Unfair - Flaws in the Betting Exchange Business
11 September 2002
There has been a lot of debate in the United Kingdom in recent weeks over betting exchanges. All manners of (reasonable and unreasonable) arguments have been given a good airing, if not in articles and interviews then in letters to editor of the Racing Post.
And the Real Reason for Yahoo's Decision?
20 July 2002
Why did Yahoo! discontinue carrying online gambling ads? Officials from the leading Internet portal say gambling just didn't fit with the Yahoo! experience and wasn't consistent with the Yahoo! brand, but would it be a stretch to suggest the Internet pioneer caved under the threat of prosecution?
Editorial: Victoria Has the Right Ideas for Bookmaking Reforms
21 March 2002
Editorial: Family Feud Down Under
7 March 2002
The Way Ahead
21 January 2002
Opinion - Interactive Gambling Act 2001
12 July 2001
Tim Ryan
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