Online Gaming in New Brunswick

Under the Gaming Control Act, New Brunswick Lotteries and Gaming Corporation (NBLGC) is responsible for the conduct and management of all provincial gaming as required by paragraph 207(1)(a) of the Criminal Code of Canada. The Gaming Control Branch, created under the Act as a branch of the Department of Public Safety, is responsible for the regulation and control of provincial gaming, as well as the regulation, control and licensing of charitable gaming in the province.

Residents of New Brunswick may participate in online lotteries, bingo and interactive games offered by the Atlantic Lottery Corporation (ALC),, and Pro Line Wagers through Pro Line Stadium,

The New Brunswick government has expressed interest in developing an online gaming site. In February 2011, the ALC announced drafts of regulatory changes that would allow the company to expand further into online gambling. The government has had ongoing discussions with ALC, but no affirmative decisions have been made.

New Brunswick Online Gaming News

January's Top New Brunswick Sites

Casino Site

New Brunswick Online Gaming Agencies