Online Gaming in Dominican Republic

Unlike other Caribbean nations, the Dominican Republic has been a minor player in the licensing of online gaming operations.

The Dominican Republic has been able to license online sports betting services since 1996, but no new licenses have been issued.

In 2006, the Ministry of Finance was granted the right to issue licenses for games of chance including electronic establishments of games of chance. Changes in the fiscal legislation included increasing the tax rate from 25% to 29% for all companies in all industries generating Dominican source income. Telephone and online gaming operations were also deemed as subject to prior registration requirements and a 10% tax on gross revenue.

The new regulatory scheme resulted in just one licensed being issued.

In February 2011, the Director of the Ministry of Finance granted Amaya Gaming Group, based in Montreal, the first and only online gaming license to operate in the Dominican Republic.

In 2015, a new bill was introduced that would regulate online poker.

Dominican Online Gaming News

September's Top Dominican Republic Sites

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