Online Gaming in Belarus

Online gambling is legal but heavily regulated. Operators must obtain a license from the Ministry of Taxes and Levies. Sports betting is legal and regulated under the same framework as other forms of gambling. While sportsbooks are highly popular, they are available only in licensed land-based bookmaker offices, the number of which is limited. External gambling sites are blocked by the state telecommunications provider.

However, in July 2018, Belarus took some tentative steps toward modernizing its gaming regulatory laws, including legalizing online gambling. Sergei Nalivaiko, head of the government’s Ministry of Taxes and Levies, drafted legislation that would address a number of gaming-related issues, including a proposal to license and tax online gambling operators.

The legislation included a two-year transitional period in which online gambling operators could operate with special permits while they adjusted operations to conform with the new law. In January 2012, a new law made it illegal for the citizens of Belarus to access any foreign websites or any site not hosted on a .by domain. Businesses and individuals cannot provide services through domains not registered in Belarus, and owners of internet cafés or similar facilities can face charges if internet access is not monitored and reported for violations of the law. Users of internet cafés are required to identify themselves, and records of their computer usage are kept for one year.

The law goes as far as to monitor individuals with guests in their homes who may log on to a foreign website while visiting – the owner is bound by law to report it or face charges. Internet service providers are required to register with the Ministry of Communications and Information. ISPs are to provide details of their network, systems and information resources and disclose all devices connected to the network, such as computers and mobile phones. The Belarus tax authorities, police and secret police will be responsible for investigating and prosecuting offenders of the new law.

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