A Progress Report on SB 755

5 April 2001
While Nevada legislators are close to legalizing Internet gambling in the Silver State, their Oregonian counterparts are taking the alternative path. An amended version of Senate Bill 755, a bill that aims to prohibit online gambling, was passed in the Oregon Senate and is headed to the House. The bill's author, Sen. Rick Metsger, says the success of the bill, depends on which committee the bill lands in.

During March hearings SB 755 was amended so that race track hubs could offer interactive betting via the Internet as part of a closed loop system.

At least one company will benefit from the amendment. Interactive racing channel Television Games Network (TVG) is currently licensed by the Oregon Racing Commission to operate an account wagering hub in the state. Bettors in several states use TVG's services to bet on races.

The Oregon bill was originally introduced Feb. 20 and quickly garnered high-profile support. Among its champions are the Credit Union Association of Oregon and the Oregon Bankers Association. (See "Oregon to Turn Cold on Internet Gambling?" for background information.)

HB 2823,a competing bill introduced in the House by Rep. Bill Witt, has reportedly died in committee.

Click here to view the amended version of the SB 755A.
Click here to view ORS 462.