Rep. Barney Frank told the Reuters Global Financial Regulation Summit on Tuesday that he would introduce legislation designed to repeal the UIGEA next week.
"We'll be introducing it next week and I plan to move on it," Frank said according to a Reuters report on the story.
Frank, a Democrat from Massachusetts and chairman of the powerful House Financial Services Committee, has long been a champion of the online gambling industry.
Last year, Frank introduced two measures designed to overturn the UIGEA. One bill failed to make out of committee. The other was approved by the committee (HFS), but never voted on by the full House of Representatives.
Opposition to Frank's efforts to overturn the UIGEA is expected to be stiff. The National Football League (NFL) has hired a full-time lobbyist, in part, to help fight the bid to overturn the UIGEA. And social conservatives, like Sen. Jon Kyl and Rep. Spencer Bachus, have indicated they would vigorously fight any attempt to soften or overturn the UIGEA.