Iowa Contemplates Prohibition

2 February 2001
Barely a month into the new year, legislators in two U.S. states have introduced bills that would prohibit Internet gambling on a state level. IGN reported last month the surfacing of one of them in Indiana. A westward sweep across the Heartland reveals that another has emerged in Iowa.

The Iowa bill, HF 13, would amend an Iowa law, Section 725.7, Code 2001, by adding language to prohibit the use of the Internet for the purpose of conducting or participating in a lottery, bookmaking, or gaming, or for a related gambling purpose, and subjecting violators to existing penalties.

Under the terms of the bill, Iowa residents would be prohibited from betting or gambling over the Internet. Violators would face fines ranging from $250 to $10,000 or up to 10 years in prison.

HF 13 was introduced January 8 and moved to the House Standing Committee on State Government January 24. It shares one significant similarity with the Indiana bill in that its sponsor, Representative Teresa Garman, doesn't have a lot of faith that it will pass.

Upon the introduction of the Indiana bill, House Bill 1042, Representative Jerry Denbo admitted that he probably won't be able to move it because the state's legislature is focusing on another gambling bill that's more pressing.

Likewise, Garman, doesn't hold high hopes for her bill. Unlike virtually every other U.S. legislator to propose a ban on Net betting, she acknowledges the absence of effective enforcement mechanisms.

"I doubt it will be passed," she said. "The problem is, it's very hard to police out-of-state gambling, and that's where most Internet gambling is."

Garman was prompted to introduce HF 13 after the Iowa State lottery began offering a new lottery game played using a CD-ROM. (The game is an interactive lottery game offered by the Loto-Quebec. See " Loto-Quebec Sets the Stage for Mass Distribution of Interactive Lottery Games.")

Garman was quick to point out, "I think it's no accident that they introduced the CD-ROM game while the state legislature was out of session."

She added, "I don't want any expansion of gambling in Iowa, none at all."

Click here to view HF 13.